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When attitude changes...

Isn't it amazing how it only takes an attitude adjustment to see a different outcome? Let me explain. This past week I learned many many things and I was rebuked for many many things. I will like to share with you some of those things that I learned.

1) As a Pastor, I look forward to every worship gathering so that I can celebrate and worship together with my flock. Well, when not everybody shows up, I get discouraged. I begin to focus on those who are not there. I focus so much in those who are not that I miss out on those who are there. But wait, I'm not talking about church attenders, even though I'm glad they are there. I'm referring to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in our midst. You see, many times we give the wrong sitting arrangements to the wrong people. We give the place that belongs to God to the people that we see. Well, this past week, I had to change my attitude. I was excited for those who were there and I allowed God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to take their rightful place. And let me tell you that WHEN ATTITUDE CHANGES, THERE'S A SHIFT IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I've never witnessed, in the history of Unify Church, such a joyous worship time with such a small amount of people. We didn't have any special service or activities, we just had GENUINE WORSHIP.

2) As a preacher, when delivering a sermon, I'm always very attentive to the reactions of people and how well or bad they are receiving the message. I have to say that I'm guilty of molding my sermon to accommodate those who are not interested. I have to admit that many times I have shortened the sermon to keep those people happy. You see, there's always those who are going to be at a worship gathering out of obligation or as a ritual. Well, this past week, I had to change my attitude. I no longer preached to those who are impatient and are there out of obligation. Instead, I preached to those who are interested and eager to grow deeper. And let me tell you that WHEN ATTITUDE CHANGES, THERE'S A SHIFT IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I enjoyed preaching like I have never enjoyed preaching before (and let me tell you that I enjoy preaching a lot). The audience was very ATTENTIVE and RESPONSIVE.

3) As a member of the worship team at Unify Church, I place a lot of attention to hitting the right notes. Let me tell you that this is very hard for me because I'm not a singer. I can sing and make it sound a little good but singing is not my gift and it makes me very uncomfortable to lead a song. Well, this past week, I had to change my attitude. I no longer considered myself a worship team singer but instead I began to see myself as a WORSHIPPER. And let me tell you that WHEN ATTITUDE CHANGES, THERE'S A SHIFT IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I lead a song and I was free on the pulpit. I no longer was so worried about hitting the right notes, but now I was WORSHIPPING my God through song.

I'm an imperfect Pastor but one that is open to learning. This past week I did just that. The biggest thing that I learned is that when attitude changes...there's a shift in the atmosphere. Remember that!

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