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Patrick and Nancy Cavanaugh Lead Pastors


As Pastors, we commit to disciple those who come according to what the Word of God says, thus, we leave behind manmade rules and religion in order to help you seek a genuine relationship with God.


If you are looking for a place that will challenge you to be better, Unify Church is the place to be. We have a beautiful home waiting for you that is BIG in love, mercy, grace, and Truth.  


Come and meet us, spend some time with us, be patient, and you’ll enjoy the journey. Let’s do life together!!

      Lisa Norris
Ministry Director


Lisa Norris has a passionate love for the Church. Together with Pastors Patrick and Nancy, she works intensively for the growth of U-Church and the discipleship of every attendee. Lisa is a seasoned Christian with a servant heart. She is dedicated, committed, and fierce about making sure that every ministry at U-Church is functioning to the best of its capacity. Lisa is also our secretary/treasurer and fulfills many other responsibilities. Wherever she's needed, she's there.


Unify Church is blessed to have her as part of our staff.  

Tammy Holloway
U-Kids Facilitator

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Youth Ministry
Under Construction


We Believe...

The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.


  • There’s only one True God revealed in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


  • Jesus is the Son of God. He was both 100% human and 100% God.


  • Humanity’s relationship with God, which was lost during the fall of man, can only be restored through Salvation in Jesus Christ.


  • The Holy Spirit empowers believers to accomplish God’s purposes and to take the Good News of the Gospel to the world.


  • We practice Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and Holy Communion as a symbol of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation.


  • In Christ's Return and Millennial Reign on Earth.


  • In the New Heavens and New Earth prepared for those who accepted Christ and an eternal dwelling with God. 

What Motivates Us...


    You matter!  

  2. U-GROW

    We are encouraged to thrive.


  3. U-GIVE


      We selflessly share our resources as a solution to a world in  



 4.  U-ACT

       We are empowered to ignite others to win the world for Christ.




        We rejoice in every occasion.         

Listen to Sermons From Unify Church

Unify Church

1954 E Main St Easley, SC

(864) 397-0715




Conversations @ 7pm 


Encounter @ 12:00PM 

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